Download OpenAudible

OpenAudible runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

OpenAudible is free to try. The full version can be activated with a low-cost license purchase.

OpenAudible is free to try. It contains no malware, no adware, and no spyware. Just the best backup software for your audiobooks.


Platform Download Name Installer Type
MacOS OpenAudible.dmg MacOS Universal binary for Intel and Apple Silicon
Windows OpenAudible_win.exe Windows installer. Compatible with Intel 64-bit Microsoft Windows
Recommended Linux installer script
Debian Installer
RPM Installer


OpenAudible is easy to install. Download the appropriate installer and install!

Windows Installation

Download the OpenAudible_win.exe file and double click it to start the installer.

Follow the prompts for installing. A link OpenAudible will be available in the Start menu.

MacOS Installation

Download the OpenAudible DMG file and double click it. A window will show the OpenAudible application. Drag and drop it into the Applications directory.

Launch OpenAudible by double-clicking the application.

If your Mac is set to only allow apps from the Apple App Store to run, you may need to change your GateKeeper settings.

The first time you launch OpenAudible you may need to right-click the application and select "Open".

Linux Installation

Select one of the methods below. The first option is recommended for most linux installations.

curl -OL
chmod +x

Download the file. From the command line, and double click it. A window will show the OpenAudible application. Drag and drop it into the Applications directory.

Launch OpenAudible by double-clicking the application. The first time you launch OpenAudible you may need to right-click the application and select Open"

Install from Command Line

OpenAudible can be installed from the command line. The installer can be run with the -q argument to install quietly in the standard location. This can be helpful for the vision impaired.

Note: The latest version information is available as json.


OpenAudible is available via Homebrew. Run the following command in a terminal window:

brew install --cask openaudible


Chocolatey is a great way to install Windows programs.

choco install openaudible

or install from the command line after downloading OpenAudible_win.exe from a web browser:

~\Downloads\OpenAudible_win.exe -q


Several installer options are available for Linux users. The installer script is recommended.

Uninstalling OpenAudible

Uninstalling OpenAudible is simple and uses industry standards.

For Mac and AppImage users, delete the application file by dragging it to the trash.

If you used the installer, there will be an uninstaller application in the OpenAudible directory.

Windows users can also use the "Add or Remove Programs" from the Start menu.

The OpenAudible application meta directory can be thrown away too, but only if you want to get rid of your user settings and backed up audiobook media.