Social Media Outreach

Share your experience with OpenAudible on social media to help others discover our product.

Post about its features or benefits, with an image (of a screenshot or logo.) and send us the URL in the form below.

Did you know you can export a poster with some or all of your book covers as a large cover art poster using the File Menu: Export Cover Art Poster? Those can be great to share.

A link to our site, is always appreciated!

As a token of our appreciation, we'll upgrade your license for an additional year of free updates. Please do this if you really appreciate OpenAudible-- deleting your tweet immediately would make us sad.

Acceptable sites include public links to:
Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Quora, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok.
Feel free to post to a blog, review site, or other page. We're flexible!

Submit Social Media Post

Reviewing your submission may take a few hours. We can't wait to hear what you have to say!

If you have any questions or get an error message with your submission, please contact us.